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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Question 1 Locavores
            Locavores is a trend or a hobby that has been sweeping the nation, if not the world. People are now eating food that is produced locally to have certain amounts of benefits, but there are a few more problems than there are benefits. There is more money spent and there is health at risk as a result.
Locavores believe that eating locally is better for the environment rather than purchasing groceries from a mega chain. That isn’t completely true. “ A 2006 academic study discovered that it made more environmental sense for a Londoner to buy lamb shipped from New Zealand than to buy lamb raised in the U.K.” (Source C McWilliams). Here it can be seen that some areas are more advanced in producing a sort of product than other areas. Each region has certain resources that make it better suited to growing and producing food in the most efficient way.
            There is no traditional description to what a locavore needs to eat. They might eat what is grown in their state or within a 50 mile boundary. “Some areas might find it fairly easy to eat locally, people in other parts of the country and world have to look farther afield.” (Source F Roberts) Additionally locavorism tries to balance out local farming and corporate farming. But that is not possible with a large population to support; food has to be mixed out as fast as possible. Thus the food in an environment can run out and people can become less healthy as a result.
            The connection of local farming to effectiveness and sustainability is doubtful. The locavore obsession with reducing food-miles has been deflated as a false economy that may actually worsen carbon productions. That’s because the high-volume, long haul food transportation perfected by industrial agriculture. At times, the environment can actually be at risk as a result of local farming.

1 comment:

  1. This essay is very inadequate. The intro is merely 3 sentences and does not shine out to the reader's eyes. Most of your paragraphs are quotes from the sources and you do cite the required three sources. Your evidence are not very convincing. There is no control in you writing and your sources dominated your attempts to develop a well written essay. You do state your position but it is not convincing and does not appeal to the readers.
